Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bad News-Good News

Bad News-Good News©
There Is Always a Silver Lining, Somewhere
By: Michael B. Loewenthal

Bad News:
Wow, what a week it has been. We as a nation went from a roller coaster ride of an up and down stock market into a week of only going down the hill. If you are like most, you are concerned, and rightfully so.

I don’t have the answer to all this, I only have an opinion, and opinions are a dime a dozen. No one seems to know exactly what will work to stop this economic tail spin.

Good News:
What I do know however, we as business people, and I include those who have to work on commissions of some sort. We have ourselves, we have our ability to restructure how we work, how much we work, and find new ways to do our jobs to bring in new business and develop processes to attend (perhaps better) to our existing clients. We have some measure of control as to what happens to us, and how our businesses are affected.

Bad News:
The U.S. Postal Service just stated that their mail volume has been reduced. That is telling.

Good News:
The postal service is not closing down.

Bad News:
Banks across the country are reducing or eliminating many loan programs.

Good News:
Banks in New Mexico are not on the ‘watch’ list and are still funding loans for personal and business needs. (The SBA is still lending & guarantying)

Bad News:
Businesses are closing up at a higher rate than normal.

Good News:
New Mexico Businesses are holding their own.

Bad News:
Home foreclosures are up dramatically across the country.

Good News:
New Mexico foreclosures are up only a little.

Bad News:
Unemployment is up significantly across the U.S.

Good News:
The great state of New Mexico is below the national rate.

Bad News:
The stock market is down.

Good News:
Perhaps there are good investment opportunities.

Bad News:
Gasoline prices are high.

Good News:
Gasoline prices have been coming down A LOT.

Do you remember the excitement and passion you had when you first started in your business or new career, it was wonderful I am sure. Well, find it again if it has been missing. Look at it as a new adventure. Go out there and do the things that you know need to be done in order to grow or maintain what you have. Have fun with it, again.

I would love to say that it is your (our) frame of mind that controls how our business is doing, but reality is reality. What does control how business reacts to the current situation, is how you approach the current circumstances.

Think positively, think outside the box, be bold, be full of energy, and never say no to opportunity. Be creative in your marketing, pair up with others where there is a synergy between your business and theirs, and continue to invest in yourself through reading, coaching, seminars and the like. Oh yes, network aggressively, and if you don’t know how, ask someone.

I would like to leave you with some positive things to consider.

The Positive 6 pack
1. Life is hardly ever as bad as it seems
2. Be grateful; think of the things that you are grateful for, there must be two or three of them. Remind yourself daily of them, this will energize you throughout the day.
3. Focus-Focus-Focus. Focus on the things you are doing well, and doing right. Focus on the things you want or need to change, and act on it, focus and act.
4. Help someone other than yourself. By helping someone else, you help yourself.
5. Meditate; do meditation exercises every day or prayer meditation. Spend 10 minutes a day, everyone can find 10 minuets of privacy. This will help clear your mind and body of the stress and anxiety, and the effects get better every day you do it.
6. Fill the glass. Fill a glass with water half full. Keep it somewhere that you will see it every day. Put it on your bathroom sink, kitchen counter, office desk, any place that you will see it daily. This glass of water represents your vision of the day, the glass should be looked at as half full, remind yourself daily that no matter how tough things may be or get, it is half full and go about your day with that attitude. Be positive; think positive and positive things will happen to you.

I wish for you the most success.

Coach Michael

PS If you have a positive experience during these economic times that you would like to share, I am collecting them to share in a future article. Your name will not be used, but perhaps your initials will be unless you OK the use of your name. Please forward your story to me at CoachMichael@TheBusinessCoachABQ.com

The Business Coach
Michael B. Loewenthal
Albuquerque, NM

This article is copyrighted. It may be reprinted, reproduced and republished without permission providing the complete signature is included with any reprint.

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