Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And This Too Shall Pass

And This Too Shall Pass©
By: Michael Loewenthal

Think positive. Act positive. Be positive. Focus on the possibilities and make it so.

For almost two months now we have been subjected to hundreds if not thousands of negative comments about the economy. We have seen some of the biggest names in the financial industry fall into ruins. We are being told every day on CNN, CNN2, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News and so many more about how bad things are. Why are we being told this over and over, because they find sensationalism inside of tragedy and tragedy sells.

I have written before that we are in a new economy, one that will be around for some time to come. Now, right now, it is time to look at circumstances with a positive eye towards the future.
No longer should we think and act in the negative. No more of the, things are getting tough, business is slow, things better change soon, I don’t know what I’m going to do, it is time to change your outlook, embrace the current circumstances and develop strategies and draw on your training and knowledge to move forward. NO MORE COMMISERATING.

Be positive, put yourself in a positive frame of mind and divorce yourself from others who are only thinking in the negative. Life can be hard, business is hard, we all know this and we all know what we must do to overcome.

Be an optimist, look for the opportunities and go after them. Side step your comfort zone and step outside, it wont hurt, yes, it may feel a bit uncomfortable, but if you are not willing to feel uncomfortable what the heck are you doing in business. Think about today and all the opportunity that is out there, you just have to uncover it. There is no industry out here today that is doing absolutely no business. That means someone is willing to do business with you, go find them. Think about tomorrow and how bright the day will be, how many people want and need what you have to offer and go find them. Think and act in the positive. Create action, for without action there is no reaction, and no reaction means, no sale. Be relentless, but don’t be a gadfly. Let your actions be aberrant, while others are following the established norms.

Look to people you admire, people like Presidents Ronald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson, or business people like Bill Gates and Donald Trump, don’t you think that they are positive thinkers, you’re darn right they are. Look to people you know local business people who are doing well, working hard even during this time of economic slow down. Watch what they do, talk to them (they are only people like you) ask them what they are doing or doing differently to ensure their success, learn from them. I am sure you will find that they are not consumed by worriment. If you are however, turn that negative energy into a positive action and continue doing so till you get a desired result, be persistent. Act and speak with such brio and insight that people will want to listen to what you have to say.

There is a bright horizon ahead of anyone who is willing to look for it, work for it and grab on to it when it appears. The current state of the economy, well, this too shall pass.

Michael Loewenthal is a hybrid business coach and trainer with a focus on small to mid-size companies.
The Business Coach
Albuquerque, NM

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