Friday, January 18, 2013

Employee Background Checks

Background checks as part of a pre-employment hiring is becoming more common, and necessary than ever before.  If you wait till after the hire, do it immediately afterwards.

Hiring the right candidate for the job is always the top priority. Business hopes that they have made the right hire first time; background checks help significantly with choosing the right person.  The goal from using these checks is to lower the risk of loss and liability to you and your firm.  You want to know that your business is protected as best as possible. 

Your business and you personally are what is at risk, preventative measures can reduce your potential losses and liabilities.  This is not an area to be penny wise and pound foolish.

No background check can eliminate all risk in your hiring, but it can go a long way at minimizing it.  Hiring is a difficult process at best, and the complexity of it relates to the industry and the position.  So to improve your hiring results, lower your risk of loss by fraud or theft, and reduce your liability overall, use background checks as part of your hiring process.  All companies that offer this service provide levels of checks, I have seen them for as little as $10 each.  A small price to pay for such a potential benefit it can deliver.

Coach Michael
Albuquerque NM


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