Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Recession Is Over!!! or Is It??

There are plenty of talking heads out here that are saying that the recession is over.  Sure, if there are indicators that show positive signs and they all add up to "it's over" then I guess it is over.  However, for most of us on Main St., over is not over.  We still have to deal with the reduction in business, the high unemployment rate and the limited resources to drive new business to our doors.

Look at what is happening on Main St, not Wall St. for an accurate understanding of what is happening.  Drive by auto repair shops and notice that there are fewer cars there to be serviced.  Pull into a Walmart parking lot and you will notice that even on the slow times of the day, finding a parking space is becoming more difficult.  Why, because people are changing their buying habits and looking for more value.  Also, notice the higher end cars being parked there.

Consumers don't necessarily stop buying, they are more apt to trade down than to stop. 

According to a PNC Economic Outlook Survey
the recovery will become more evident at the end of 2009 and continue throughout 2010.  There are two important findings that are note worthy for us on Main St.  First, 79% of those surveyed indicated that the stimulus programs have filtered down to them as yet.  Second, 96% of small business owners stated that the economy has not yet begun to recover.  Again, this is all about Main St, not Wall St.

The SBA, according to an article in the, has been having their trouble as well despite their continued efforts to assist and work with small business.  The SBA approved less than 45000 loans, 36% less than the previous year and 56% less than 2007.  There are programs that the SBA are pushing at this time and it would be in the best interest of all small business to get acquainted with these programs and the SBA people in their area.  The banks may not love you at this time, but from my experience and knowledge of the SBA, they do.

This is the time to be vigilant, thrifty and tenacious.  Look for opportunities everywhere, develop a plan of attack and take no prisoners.  Know that your competition, if they can is looking to eat your lunch, it is up to you to keep them from doing that.  Develop an individual marketing plan, do networking, there are always networking events taking place, get out from behind the desk/counter and pound the flesh, this is your business do what you have to in order to keep it.

I believe those who work hard, and I mean HARD now during this lousy economy will flourish as the turn around hits Main St.  Remember, if you do what you've always done, you always get what you always got.  What "you've always got" is not good enough anymore.
You can do it, you can win, you will win it just may take more effort than it did yesterday.  Keep these 10 two letter words in mind "If It Is To Be It Is Up To Me".

Michael Loewenthal
The Business Coach
helping small business move forward one step at a time